SOOS vs Snyk
Thinking of using Snyk for open source vulnerability scans, license compliance, and SBOM generation?
Why pay more than you need to?
*SOOS is not affiliated with Snyk. Snyk is a registered trademark of Snyk Limited.
Unlimited Projects. Unlimited Users. Unlimited Scans.
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Our Award Winning products:
You get all the key features your team needs
Unlimited Dashboard
Invite your team members to review the developer, legal, and security dashboards.
Unlimited Scans
Scan whenever you want. We’re not stopping you.
Vulnerability Rankings
Vulnerabilities are ranked by severity, impact and exploitabilty.
CI/CD Integrations
Find problems early. Scan on every build. Direct integration with Jira or GitHub makes issue management easy.
Rich Dashboards
Track vulnerabilities, compliance, and governance issues from a central location.
Suggested Fixes
Recommends an easy upgrade path for your software packages.
License Analysis
Quickly verify the licenses, allowed usage, and attributes of your open source packages.